
Today we put the spotlight on A website founded and run by Thomas J. Elpel, an author and naturalist who is passionate about sustainable living and affordable housing. The website is dedicated to providing resources and information on building homes and structures using low-cost and environmentally-friendly materials.

The website offers a wide range of resources for anyone interested in building their own affordable and sustainable home, including articles, videos, and online courses. The articles cover topics such as cob building, straw bale construction, and earthbag building, and provide step-by-step instructions and tips for building each type of structure. The videos provide visual demonstrations of the building process, and the online courses offer more in-depth instruction and guidance. is the focus on using recycled and locally-sourced materials in construction. Elpel believes that using materials that are readily available and affordable is key to making sustainable building accessible to everyone. He also advocates for using materials that have a low environmental impact and can be easily recycled or composted at the end of their useful life. is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in sustainable living and affordable housing. Thomas J. Elpel's expertise and passion for sustainable building shines through in every article, video, and course, and his dedication to making sustainable building accessible to everyone is truly inspiring.

Jennifer Bailey